Travel & Accommodation
Closest Airport
1.Jingdezhen Luojia Airport (about 100km to the venue)
2.Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport (about 100km to the venue)
3.Nanchang Changbei International Airport (about 210km to the venue)
4.Dexing high speed railway station(about 37km to the venue)
Please fill in the Local Transportation Form which can be downloaded in ‘Documents’ and email it to follows for local transportation.
Contact person:Li Jinshuo
Jingdezhen Luojia airport and Shangrao Sanqingshan airport free of charge for elite athletes, coaches and team officials.
Also you can choose to take train arrive at Dexing high speed railway station which will be free of charge for pick up.
Nanchang Changbei international airport:100 USD or 720 RMB/Person (Cash) for a one-way ticket, 150 USD or 1080 RMB / person (Cash) for a round trip.
Host Hotel
Name: Dexing Yinlu Hotel
Address: Tongdu Avenue, Yincheng Town, Dexing, Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, China
Please fill in the Accommodation Form which can be downloaded in ‘Documents’ and email it to follows for hotel booking.
Contact person: Feng Jun
Phone: +86-18681866972
Room Price: 300 RMB/Night (Single bed or Twin beds, Breakfast included)
Lunch or Dinner Price:80 RMB/Meal
We will provide free accommodation and meals (3 nights and 4 days) for each National Federation for up to 4 elite athletes (of which must be 2 female athletes) and 1 official.