Frequently Asked Questions

What is World Triathlon?

World Triathlon is the international governing body for the Olympic sport of triathlon and all related multisport disciplines around the world, including duathlon, aquathlon, cross triathlon and winter triathlon. It is the recognized International Federation for the sport of Triathlon (by the International Olympic Committee) and of Paratriathlon (by the International Paralympic Committee).

World Triathlon is the only entity/organization which can award a world title and racing in World Triathlon events is the only way to qualify for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Among other tasks, the World Triathlon main responsibilities are:

  • Creating and updating annually the World Triathlon Competition rules. The World Triathlon Competition Rules, as well as Anti-Doping rules, specify the conduct and behaviour of athletes during World Triathlon competitions. As part of the Rules, World Triathlon is establishing the Competition and events’ categories and distances, Age requirements, Paratriathlon Classification process, Qualification and Ranking criteria, Uniform rules and Anti-doping rules for all World Triathlon events;
  • Ensuring consistency, equity, fairness in the World Triathlon events:
    • Hosting events that are conducted by the same rules, ensuring equality among the athletes all around the world.
    • Proposing events that are conducted by the same requirements, ensuring uniformity and consistency in terms of Technical requirements, Branding and Athletes` uniforms, Sport presentation.
  • Supporting the development of the sport worldwide;
  • Act as an expert of the sport.

For questions regarding the Competition rules and the results.

The Technical Delegate (TD) ensures that the requirements of the Event Organizer Manual are implemented, as well as the implementation of the World Triathlon Rules governing the competition including the anti-doping elements of the World Triathlon event.

The TD is a volunteer official.

The Head Referee (HR) is appointed by World Triathlon or by the Technical Delegate of the Event. The Head Referee is the contact person for any exceptions in regards to the Rules, to approve any equipment or devices carried during the bike segment or added to the bike or to approve bikes on request after Athletes’ briefing. He is the Starter of the race. He collects all Protests and Appeals. He signs off on Official results immediately after the race.

What is a Continental Confederation?

5 Continental Confederations:

  • Africa
  • America
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Oceania
  • Continental Confederations are approving and organizing the Continental Championships and Continental Cups.

    What is a National Federation (NF)?

    World Triathlon has 172 Members National Federations from the 5 Continents.

    Each NF is responsible for the qualification process of their athletes to Continental or International Events. Each NF is selecting the qualifying races (if applicable) for national athletes to register to the different World Championships.

    For questions regarding qualification and registration to a World Triathlon event, or questions regarding the national uniform to wear. Find your NF

    What is a Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

    Each World Triathlon event is supervised by an Agreement between World Triathlon, the National Federation of the host country and a Local Organizing Committee (LOC).

    World Triathlon grants a license to the LOC to host and organise a World Triathlon event.

    The LOC can be a:

  • city
  • events` company (ex: Lagardère Unlimited)
  • triathlon club
  • association
  • national federation
  • The LOC stages an Event in accordance with the World Triathlon Rules. The LOC is composed by a team on-site, who can be from the local triathlon club, or the Sports Department of the city, or it can be a triathlon organizer (i.e. Challenge, Ironman, etc).

    The LOC is working hand in hand with World Triathlon to set up an event which is safe and fair for the athletes.

    For questions regarding logistics on site (accommodation and airport transfers, package pick up hours, locations for ceremonies, Visa requirements, etc.)


    For Multisport and Triathlon World Championships, each AG athlete has to register through his/her National Federation.

    Find your National Federation here:

    At Multisport and Triathlon World Championships, AG race briefings are only for Team Managers. But a video race briefing will be available on the facebook page of the event and on the event website from the beginning of the race week. Also, Q&A sessions with Technical Officials will be organized at the venue during certain times for all athletes to ask their questions. We have some cases where an AG Athletes` Briefing is conducted (for example for Long Distance WCH).


    General information will be updated continuously on the event website. For more details on the course or training sites for example, you will be able to find those in the Athlete Guide, released few weeks before the race.

    All athletes must have photo identification (I.D) on them. No athlete will be able to register without photo I.D. Please read the Athlete Guide of the event to check if you need to bring your registration/confirmation email.

    Each individual athlete must pick up their race package themselves.

    All AG athletes must pick up their race package during the time allotted to their NF. The Team Manager has been notified of these times and they are also available in the Athlete Guide.

    As per the World Triathlon Competition Rules, Age-Group competitions with more than 700 athletes entered will schedule the Bike Check-in the day before the competition. Age-Group events with fewer than 700 athletes will do the Bike Check-in on race day.

    During the Bike Check-in the Technical Officials (TOs) will check that both your bike and helmet comply with the Competition Rules for that race. Your bike and helmet stickers should be put on correctly and will be checked at this time. Your helmet again will be checked on race day: please do not leave it in transition.

    You will receive 3 helmets stickers: 1 on the front and 1 each side. Bike seat post sticker is to be attached to the seat post prior to entering transition.

    Body tattoos are for race day only.


    4.2 Wetsuit Use:

  • a.) Wetsuit use is governed by the following tables:
    Age-Group athletes
    Swim Length Forbidden Mandatory*
    * when mandatory, the wetsuit must cover at least the torso
    Up to 1500m 22°C and above 15.9°C and below
    1501m and longer 24.6°C and above 15.9°C and below
  • Additionally to above rules, the swim distance can be shortened or even cancelled according to the air temperature.

    More details in the World Triathlon Competition Rules: Official water temperature and (non-)use of wetsuit is announced by the Head Referee 1h prior to the race start.

    5.5. Drafting: Age-Group

  • Triathlon
    Team Relay Legal
    Super Sprint Distance Illegal
    Sprint Distance Both options
    Standard Distance Illegal
    Middle and Long Distance Illegal
    Sprint Distance Both options
    Standard Distance Illegal
    Middle and Long Distance Illegal
    Winter Triathlon (all distances) Legal
    Cross Triathlon and Duathlon (all distances) Legal
    Aquabike Illegal
  • More details in the World Triathlon Competition Rules:

    You can find in the document the non closed approved frames:

    • Wetsuits when allowed may cover the arms but not the hands. Nor the face or feet.
    • Wetsuits cannot exceed 5mm thickness.
    • Wetsuits can be 2 piece but the overlapping part can’t be any thicker than 5mm.
    • If Wetsuit is mandatory it must cover the torso.
    • Socks are allowed when the wetsuit is mandatory.
    • Athletes must wear the uniform for the whole competition.
    • Uniform must cover the whole torso in the front and the back maybe uncovered from the waist up.
    • Covering the legs below the knees is not allowed in the swim when wetsuits are not allowed.
    • One-piece uniform is preferred, if a 2 piece is used the pieces must overlap. No Torso is to be visible during the competition.
    • The zipper must be located at the back and no longer than 40cm
    • Uniform must be worn over both shoulders during competition.
  • World Triathlon Uniform Rules: For Triathlon Continental and World Championships and for Multisport World Championships, AG athletes should comply with their approved National Federation uniform(s) color. Since March 2019 athletes from the same National Federation may be allowed to wear different uniforms, always within the uniform(s) the NF previously got approved. National Federations may still choose to keep one uniform design approved at one time at their discretion. World Triathlon logo and Country code are mandatory. Family name is optional.

  • National Uniforms approved here:

  • The bib ONLY has to be wear during the run, on the front.

    Tattoos are to be placed on both arms, between the bicep and elbow.If applicable AG category tattoo should be placed on the back of your left calf. AG category tattoo are mandatory for the Athletes who are not using compression calf guardsYou might also receive wetsuit tattoo, to place on your wetsuit in case of wetsuit swim. Body tattoos are for race day only (not needed for bike check-in).

    You have access to the transition zone on race day as per the specified times in the Athlete’s Guide. A NF coach and/or bike mechanic can enter the transition zone only after the permission of the Chief Transition Zone Technical Official and only if there is an issue that needs their presence. No wheels can be replaced on race day.

    Technical Officials will check if your uniform complies with your National Uniform in the Uniform Catalogue when you enter Transition on race day. In case of wetsuit swim, they will also check if you wetsuit complies with the rules.

    Yes, as long as it is transparent.

    Swimskins must comply with guidelines and be 100% textile. And must not be removed in Standard and Sprint distances races.

    Arms may be covered in middle and long distance events, except during the swim, when wetsuits are forbidden. Arms must not be covered on standard distance and shorter events, except in extreme weather conditions. The decision rests with Technical Delegate in consultation with the Medical Delegate (if applicable) to allow or make mandatory long sleeves.

    Athletes are allowed to wear uniforms with sleeves extending from the shoulder up to but not covering the elbow.

    You can have arm covers during the swim section (in case of a wetsuit swim), bike and run sections.

    Arm covers must be plain or match the national uniform without any logos.

    Yes. There will be a chip collection post finish. Volunteers will be there to assist. If you abandon your race at any time post collecting your chip, please return the chip back at the finish area to avoid financial penalties.

    No. At a World Championships, no one is allowed to cross the finish line with you for health and safety reasons. The same applies for the medal ceremony. No one is allowed on the podium with you.

    In case of questions or mistakes with your result, please contact your Team Manager. If you don`t have Team Manager on site, please look for the Head Referee Technical Official in finish area.

    Awards and Ceremonies

    Head to or the results page on the event website. Results will also be posted during the races at the Expo/Package pick up area.

    You can ask your Team Manager, Coach or friend to collect your medal for you. Please wait until the award formalities have finished.

    Refer to the Athlete Guide. Meet in the marshalling spot and local team will assist you.
