Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Edmonton International Airport

Visa requirements depending on Citizenship; Contact Triathlon Canada’s Program Coordinator, Frank Christie, at



Local transportation provided for Elite athletes ONLY

Elite athletes - Please send your flight itineraries to one month in advance to race to secure transportation to and from airport.

For Car Rental - contact Budget Car and Truck Rentals of Edmonton on 1-800-661-7027 Please quote code “WCT” when booking vehicles.

Host Hotel

Sutton Place Hotel 10235 - 101 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 3E9, is the Official Host Hotel for the 2013 Edmonton ITU Triathlon World Cup. We have secured a very reasonable rate of $115 plus tax per night per room. Please book early to ensure you get a room. The hotel is a 15-minute drive to the race venue in Hawrelak Park.

Please book your room by emailing Reference the 2013 Edmonton Triathlon World Cup to ensure your special rate.


Method of the hotel payments: Credit Card


Other Accommodation

Limited homestay available before Friday May 31. Please contact
