Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Devonport Airport (Qantas) - 10km from race venue.
Burnie Airport (REX Airlines) - 60km from race venue.
Launceston Airport (Qantas, Jetstar & Virgin Blue) - 100km from race venue.
Spirit of Tasmania Car Ferry (Melbourne to Devonport over night) -



Shuttle Bus, taxi, car hire.  See official website for links to shuttle companies for booking information.

Price of local transportation: Starting at $15.00

(Complimentary for Elite, U23 & ITU Junior athletes only)


Host Hotel

Please contact Kim Manson at regarding all accommodation requirements no later than 20th November 2011.

Method of the hotel payments:
Cheque, Cash or credit card on arrival.

Alternatively with so much on offer in Devonport, we encourage you to stay a while to explore the city and its surrounds.  Stay in our charming B&B’s, well appointed cabins or quality hotels; all within close proximity to the CBD and priced for all budgets.

Our award winning Visitor Information Centre can take care of your every need.  For more information visit or request a free copy of the Visitor’s Guide via email or phone +61 3 6424 4466

For more information about Tasmania check out the Discover Tasmania website -

Other Accommodation

Please contact Craig Redman at
