Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport


Swiss Railway (SBB):

From Zurich Airport (Station: 8058 Kloten, Flughafen)
Trains to Zofingen every 30 min, takes 1h20min

From Basel Euroairport (Station: Basel,Euroairport)
Trains to Zofingen every hour, takes 1h05min

Transport by car takes 1 h. Distance 50 km.

Prize of local transportation: From Zurich Airport 27 Euro per person
From Basel Euroairport 20 euro per person
Airports can help for group transportations by bus.


Host Hotel

Name and contact details (address, phone, email, website) of the host hotel: Hotel Zofingen, Kirchplatz 30, 4800 Zofingen, Switzerland
Fon: +41 (0)62 745 03 00
Fax: +41 (0)62 745 03 99
2 minutes footwalk from Zofingen Railway Station
5 minutes footwalk from race site

Method of the hotel payments: All major credit cards are accepted.

Other Accommodation

Booked out.
