swim: 4000 m; Bike: 120 km; Run: 30 km;
Start mechanism:
Beach start
Different waves according to the start list
Swim course:
Water temp: 20 ºC; 1 lap
Lake at the natural park of Landa
Bike Course: 2 laps;
Beautiful bike course around Alava, and the villages of Ozaeta, Zalduondo, Salvatierra;
Run course: 3 laps;
3 laps, going through the Buesa Arena, where the finish is located, and running at Salburua park
Event Information:
(Other related information about the Event)
Registrations in http://www.triatlonvitoria.es
NF’s should request the password to access the restricted area to register the athletes
VISA applications through Spanish Federation (Alfredo Sanchez) at federacion@triatlon.org
Vitoria Registration
NF has to request user and pass to access the restricted area at http://www.triatlonvitoria.es in order to proceed with the payments. User and pass has to be requested by mail to the Spanish Federation at juecesyoficiales@triatlon.org