Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Tunis-Carthage Airport (TUN)

TUNIS AIR will grant participants a discount on fares in economy class on its regular flights. The value of the discount will be announced later. Participants are advised to book their flights by presenting the pre-registration confirmation for the African Championship. The LOC will organise the reception of participants at the international airport of Carthage and will facilitate the free transfer of delegates by shuttle-bus service on arrival and on departure between the airport and Yasmine Hammamet and the selected hotels. Delegates are requested to forward their pre-registration confirmation to the LOC, indicating their flight numbers, place of departure and dates of arrival and departure.

Tunisian visa requirements:
All participants from States for which Tunisian visa requirements apply will be granted an entry visa free of charge by the host country, upon application. Requests for entry visas should be made to the Tunisian diplomatic and/or consular representation of the participant’s country of residence. Participants residing in countries in which Tunisia has no diplomatic and/or consular representation may obtain their entry visa from the non-resident diplomatic mission responsible for their country, or, failing this, and exceptionally, upon arrival at the airport. The LOC pre-registration confirmation letter may be used as a supporting document when applying for a visa.

Host Hotel

Host Hotel: VINCCI Lella Baya
5 Stars Hotel

address: Zone Touristique; 8052 Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
Tel: (216) 72 240-888
Fax: (216) 72 240-555

LOC will grant African participants an exceptional discount on accommodation; African NF’s will pay per night and per bed in full board the following rates:
- 30US$ per night and per bed in triple room.
- 35US$ per night and per bed in double room.
- 45US$ per night and per bed in single room.
