Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

New Plymouth. Connecting International flights from Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington


PICKUPS… will be arranged by Graham Park ITU World Cup New Plymouth Elite Athlete Liason.
e mail mobile +64(0) 21 181 42 16
home +64(0) 6 75 860 60

Advise flight details… arrival / departure dates / times… flight numbers.

NOTE: On the MONDAY 7th April after the race, for those flying International flights , bikes will be transported overnight to Auckland for you so we dont have any problems for those departing as planes that fly in and out of New Plymouth have room for limited bike cases..ONLY bikes will be transported. Personal luggage must go with you on your flight. Bikes will be waiting for you at Auckland International Airport.

YOU BOOK only to Auckland ,then re book from there for your International flight out of New Zealand.

Bikes will need to be tagged and packed ready to go from the DEVON HOTEL at 7.30 pm sunday evening..

More information will be posted on web site on all the above closer to race day..

For non elite athletes and coaches there is a comprehensive shuttle and bus company.

Host Hotel

Devon Hotel, 390 Devon Street East.
Tel: +64 (0) 6 759 9099. This hotel is now FULL.
Please contact:
for more availability and options.

Other Accommodation

HOMESTAYS… will be arranged by Graham Park ITU World Cup New Plymouth Elite Athlete Liason.
e mail mobile +64(0) 21 181 42 16
home +64(0) 6 75 860 60
