Monday 14th May Monday 21st May:
15h00 19h00 Palafiori: Photo Expo Triathlon in Sanremo, past, present, future
Thursday 17th May:
Welcome ITU Elite Athletes
Friday 18th May:
Welcome ITU Elite and Age Groupers Athletes
15h00 19h00 Teatro dell’ Opera del Casin: Race Office
15h00 19h00 Teatro dell’ Opera del Casin: Opening Media Centre
15h00 19h00 Teatro dell’ Opera del Casin: Opening Registration Office for Elite and Age Groupers
19h30 Palafiori: Welcome Drink ITU Elite Athletes
Saturday 19th May:
Welcome ITU Elite and Age Groupers Athletes
10h00 18h00 Teatro dell’ Opera del Casin: Race Office
10h00 18h00 Teatro dell’ Opera del Casin: Opening Media Center
10h00 16h00 Teatro dell’ Opera del Casin: Opening Registration Office for Elite and Age Groupers
17h00 P.le Carlo Dapporto: Exibition of Young Triathlete’ s
18h00 Palafiori: Team Managers Briefing: ITU Elite Athletes
18h30 Palafiori: Press Conference
18h45 Palafiori: Briefing Age Groupers Athletes
19h30 Palafiori: Dinner
Sunday 20th May:
07h00 07h45 Teatro dell’ Opera del Casin: Opening Registration Office for Age Groupers
07h30 08h15 P.le Carlo Dapporto: Opening Age Group Transition Area
08h00 17h00 Teatro dell’ Opera del Casin: Race Office and Media Centre
08h30 Bagni Oasis: III Daniele Rambaldi’ s Trophy, Age Group male competition sprint distance
08h32 Bagni Oasis: III Daniele Rambaldi’ s Trophy, Age Group female competition sprint distance
09h45 10h15 P.le Carlo Dapporto: Opening Elite Female Transition Area
10h30 Bagni Mirasole - Bagni Tony: II Sanremo ITU Triathlon European Premium Cup Elite Female
12h45 13h15 P.le Carlo Dapporto: Opening Elite Male Transition Area
13h00 15h30 P.le Carlo Dapporto: Pasta Party
13h30 Bagni Mirasole - Bagni Tony: II Sanremo ITU Triathlon European Premium Cup Elite Male
15h45 P.le Carlo Dapporto: Official Award Ceremony
16h00 Teatro dell’ Opera del Casin: Local Press Conference
Athlete Briefing
Saturday 19th may
17h00 Palafiori Congress Palace
Corso Garibaldi
Elite Technical Briefing