
Race Packets at Isrotel Laguna race hotel On Thursday Nov 29 17:00-20:00. After the briefing.

Coaches Briefing by ITU Thursday Nov 29 16:00 at The Royal Garden WOW Auditorium

Press Conference at Royal Garden Hotel Thursday Nov 29 at 18:00

Reception with Mayor of Eilat to all Elite and Coaches and Team members
Thursday Nov 29 at 19:00 at The Isrotel King Solomon Hotel.

Elite Women Check in Sat Dec 1st   09:00-09:45

Elite Women start Sat Dec 1st 10:00

Elite Men Check in Sat Dec 1st 12:45- 13:30

Elite Men Start Sat Dec 1st 13:45
Award Ceremony in front of Finish Area at 16:00.

Press Conference after event at 16:30 at Royal Garden Hotel

Click here for Athletes and Team leaders Guide.

Athlete Briefing

Thursday 29th 17:00 Elite Athletes briefing at the Royal Garden Hotel WOW
auditorium in front of Laguna race hotel.

Click here for Athletes and Team leaders Guide.
