Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Beijing Capital International Airport



Free transportation between airport and race venue. Travel details (date, time, flight number) and other details such as number of bikes to be sent to the LOC till 1st September 2007. 


Host Hotel

Hotel: Jundu Tourist Villa
Tel: +86 10 - 60713338 ext. 2588 or 3663
Fax: +86 10 - 60713745
Address: Shisanling Reservoir Road, Changping District, Beijing

Room Price:
1 person 1 twin room: 105USD/person/night (including 3 meals),
80USD/person/night(including breakfast);

2 persons 1 twin room: 80USD/person/night (including 3 meals),
54USD/person/night (including breakfast).

If you need to reserve the hotel, please email to Mr. Qi Jun.

Other Accommodation

4 nights free rooms and meals for top 5 ITU ranked men and women athletes.
