Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Canberra International Airport is five kilometres and seven minutes from the race site
Mascot International (Sydney) is three hours drive north from the race site by bus or car


Canberra is well served with a good local bus service to all areas.

Hire cars are available in the city and at the airport from the major hire car firms but note we have a special rate from AVIS, please book using the AWD (Avis Worldwide Discount) number: P 1 8 5 0 1 2

Host Hotel

Rydges Lakeside Canberra
London Circuit
Canberra City ACT 2600

(Rydges have two other ideal properties in Canberra also and details of all accommodations can be obtained through the official travel and accomodation partners, Tri Travel at

Other Accommodation

We are attempting to qualify some homestays for elite athletes requesting this. If this facility is available it will be in limited quantities…
