WADA's 2011 Prohibited List available now on iPhone application

The ITU Anti-doping Team would like everyone to know that WADA’s free 2011 Prohibited List iPhone application is now available and can be downloaded from the App Store.

The List can also be consulted, in a mobile-friendly format (html), on WADA’s Web site.

Also, the WADA Executive Committee approved the accreditation of a new laboratory for anti-doping analysis in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

According to the WADA website, the Kazakhstan laboratory successfully completed the requirements of WADA’s accreditation process, which started in 2007. The objective of this accreditation process is to ensure that candidate laboratories meet the highest quality standards. This includes site visits, participation in WADA’s External Quality Assessment Scheme monitored by the Agency’s Laboratory Expert Group, and ISO assessment by independent accreditation bodies.

“We are pleased to welcome the Alamaty laboratory to the network of WADA accredited laboratories,” said WADA President John Fahey. “This laboratory will play an important role by fulfilling the needs for anti-doping analysis capacities in a region that was not previously serviced.”

Three additional laboratories, namely in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Doha (Qatar), and Mexico City (Mexico) have been accepted as candidates to enter the WADA laboratory accreditation process.”

The more laboratories who can do testing means more effective and efficient testing can be done by ITU.

If you have any questions about ITU’‘s Anti-doping programme, please contact Leslie Buchanan at {encode=“leslie.buchanan@triathlon.org” title=“leslie.buchanan@triathlon.org”}
