WADA invites application for its 2012 Social Science Target Research Grant Program

The ITU Anti-doping team would like to draw attention to the World Anti-doping Agency’s (WADA) call for research into why athletes choose not to dope. According to WADA, “in a bid to further develop anti-doping education programs”, WADA’s Education department has called for proposals for research into ‘why athletes choose not to dope’.

The deadline for submissions and to request funding for research into this topic is April 30, 2012.

Social science literature tends to focus almost exclusively on why athletes give in to the temptation of doping, rather than on the incentives that exist not to dope.

According to WADA Education and Program Development Director Rob Koehler, the reasons why an athlete chooses to dope are not always directly related to the reasons why an athlete chooses not to dope.

“Research will help us understand the incentives athletes have not to dope, and provide valuable data for further development of our education programs,” explained Koehler, whose department has set an April 30, 2012 deadline for applications.

“Already we know a great deal about why athletes dope, less so about why some stay clear of drugs. But we are starting to understand the risk factors and vulnerabilities.

“We discourage doping behaviour by highlighting the negative health consequences, the cheating aspect, and the possibility of being caught. But still many athletes are prepared to take these risks.

“By exposing the reasons which give athletes incentives not to dope, we will provide athletes with more anti-doping choices, and develop a lighter approach to anti-doping education.”

All applications will be assessed by external peer reviewers, whose recommendations will then be reviewed by WADA’s Education Committee.

Applicants will be notified of the results by the end of June, 2012.

Further information on the application process can be found in the Application Guidelines document.

Applications should be submitted to {encode=“ssr@wada-ama.org” title=“ssr@wada-ama.org”}


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