Simon Thompson riding for Diabetes cure

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that is not caused by diet or lifestyle and often occurs in children. An individual with type 1 diabetes needs up to six insulin injections every day, just to stay alive, as well as multiple finger prick blood sugar tests. People don’t grow out of type 1 diabetes and they are at risk of developing long-term life threatening complications.

My sister Sam developed Diabetes when she was 5 years old so I have grown up with her dealing with the disease all her life. Sam has led an inspirational life despite the challenges of the disease and has always been active, but an endurance sport has never been her thing. To take on this momentous challenge of riding 160km is monumental for anyone let alone someone new to cycling so Dad and I didn’t hesitate to join her on this journey. I say journey because it began late last year with the purchase of a bike specifically for this event and she has been diligently training and chipping away at her fitness ever since. Together with your help we will raise over $10000 and complete this challenge as a family.

JDRF is the world’s leading non-profit contributor to type 1 diabetes research and the only charity dedicated solely to finding a cure through the support of medical research.

That’s why I am riding - to help find a cure. All donations, regardless of amount, will bring us closer to a cure. When you donate a receipt will be automatically generated. Many thanks for your support. Donate now by clicking on the button below.

Visit my personal Ride website to make a donation
