Paratriathlon 2011 ITU National Classifier Courses

To: National Federations

International Triathlon Union (ITU) is actively developing Paratriathlon since the sprint distance event was accepted into the IPC Paralympic Programme for inclusion in the 2016 Paralympic Games.  Prior to competition, Paratriathletes need to be classified by an ITU certified classifier.  ITU is inviting National Federations to nominate an individual to train as a Paratriathlon National Classifier in one of the 2011 ITU National Classifier Courses outlined below.  The purpose of classification is to minimise the impact that eligible impairment types have on the outcome of competition and to ensure that competition is fair and equitable.  The classification process involves assessment of the athlete’s impairment level and will determine eligibility to compete and group Paratriathletes into a class for competition.

Procedures and Criteria for Trainee National Classifiers
To be considered to attend an ITU National Paratriathlon classifiers’ course:
{exp:list_maker}Applicants must be nominated by their National Federation and have full financial support (e.g. travel, accommodation and per diem)
Applicants must have a medical and/or health professional background e.g. physiotherapist or medical doctor with sufficient experience in physical assessment, having been qualified for at least 3 years.
Sport specific and/or technical expert e.g. sports scientist, physical educator, former athlete will be considered for the 2011 courses but, depending on the number of expressions of interest received, and whether there is a medical classifier from the National Federation, on the same course, preference will be given to those with a medical/health professional background.
Applicants must have good spoken and written English.
Knowledge of Triathlon and/or disability sport is an advantage.
Applicants must nominate which accredited classification course they wish to attend and submit a summary of their medical or technical expertise and any other relevant information.
Each course will consist of both theoretical and practical elements, & participants will need to complete and pass the examinations and practical assessments.
Applicants must commit to completing five (5) classifications at a national level within one year with mentoring by a level 2 international classifier and to attend a training course every four years to update and maintain their classification skills.{/exp:list_maker}

Upon successful completion of the classification course participants will be awarded National Classifier status. Further development and training will lead to accreditation as an International ITU classifier.

2011 Training Courses
ETU European Championships, Pontevedra, Spain   June 21st-22nd
Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU World Championship London, Great Britain   August 3rd -4th
Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU World Championship Grand Final Beijing, China   September 6th-7th

Penny Broomhead, Level 2 International ITU Paratriathlon Classifier, will be facilitating all three ITU National Paratriathlon Classifier Courses in 2011.  Expressions of interest, and a detailed summary of medical or technical expertise, to be sent to {encode=“” title=“”} no later than four weeks before the nominated course. Detailed summary (to fit on one page using no less than size 11 font) to include:
{exp:list_maker}Clinical or technical interest and expertise.
Name and date of qualifications.
Involvement with triathlon and disability sport.
Reasons for wanting to become a Paratriathlon Classifier.{/exp:list_maker}

For further course information contact; Thanos Nikopoulos, Senior Manager, ITU Technical Operations {encode=“” title=“”}
Please note that there may be some changes to the content of this course in the future in order to meet changes in requirements set by International Paralympic Committee.
