Morrison & Sutz win Euro Duathlon

At the Budapest ETU Duathlon European Championships in Hungary, Great Britains Catriona Morrison clocked her first duathlon title of the year with a hard fought victory in the womens race as she held off Polands Agnieszka Jerzyk by 19 seconds.

The British duathlete has dominated the women’s side of the sport in recent years with victories at the European, World and World Long Distance Championships.

I am really happy and surprised. I had no any expectation for this race, said Morrison. I had no speed in my legs and I have not trained for shorter running distances so my running ability was a great surprise for me. I wanted to come here to work hard, so I pushed the pace on the bike and made it tough. Now I am starting to think about the duathlon world champs in Concord, USA.

Womens result
European Champion Catriona Morrison (GBR) 02:04:43
Silver - Agnieszka Jerzyk (POL) 02:05:02
Bronze - Kaisa Lehtonen (FIN) 02:05:15
4th - Ruth Van der Meijden (NED) 02:05:18
5th - Alexandra Louison (FRA) 02:05:23
6th - Sandra Levenez (FRA) 02:05:43

The mens race was won by dark horse Andreas Sutz from Switzerland as he outran Frances Laurent Galinier for the win. The pair managed to escape on the bike and opened up a large unassailable advantage over the chasing pack. Sergey Yakovlev from Russia took the bronze medal despite leading for much of the race.

During the first run I wasnt very comfortable, admitted Sutz. I was 35 seconds behind the leader Sergey Yakovlev, but after the transition 14 athletes formed to create the leading group on the bike, then on the sixth lap Laurent Galinier made a break away and I followed him. That was the key moment of the race as we worked very well together and during the last two laps we took 2 minutes 30 seconds advantage. Out on to the second run my legs were very heavy after the very tough bike and Laurent took the leading position, but after a couple of hundred meters I was getting more comfortable and caught up him, than I never looked back. I am so happy, as I have never won or taken any medals at the European Championships before.

Mens result
European Champion - Andreas Sutz (SUI) 01:50:47
Silver - Laurent Galinier (FRA) 01:50:55
Bronze - Sergey Yakovlev (RUS) 01:52:03
4th - Lino Barruncho (POR) 01:52:11
5th - Jurgen Dereere (BEL) 01:52:14

Alessandro Fabian from Italy won the mens under 23 race whilst Evgenia Sukhoruchenkova from Russia took the womens honours. Vicky Graves added a second gold medal for the British team with victory in the junior womens race with Spains Jorge Naranjo Vichot crowned as the junior mens champion.

En los Campeonatos de Europa de Duatln ETU de Budapest, Hungra, la britnica Catriona Morrison se hizo con su primer ttulo de duatln del ao, tras superar por 19 segundos en una dura batalla a la polaca Agnieszka Jerzyk.

La duatleta britnica ha dominado la categora en los ltimos aos con las victorias en los Campeonatos de Europa, del Mundo y del Mundo de Larga Distancia.

Estoy realmente feliz y sorprendida. No tena esperanzas para esta carrera, dijo Morrison. No tena velocidad en mis piernas y no he entrenado para correr distancias ms cortas por lo que me sorprendi mi capacidad de correr. Quise venir aqu para trabajar duro, as que puse el ritmo en la bicicleta y de esta manera hacerla ms difcil. Ahora empiezo a pensar en los campeonatos del mundo de duatln en Concord, estados Unidos. 
Resultados femeninos
Campeona Europea Catriona Morrison (GBR) 02:04:43
Plata - Agnieszka Jerzyk (POL) 02:05:02
Bronce - Kaisa Lehtonen (FIN) 02:05:15
4th - Ruth Van der Meijden (NED) 02:05:18
5th - Alexandra Louison (FRA) 02:05:23
6th - Sandra Levenez (FRA) 02:05:43

La carrera masculina la gan el suizo Andreas Sutz tras superar al francs Laurent Galinier para hacerse con la victoria. La pareja consigui escaparse en la bicicleta y abrir una gran ventaja sobre el grupo perseguidor. El ruso Sergey Yakovlev logr la medalla de bronce a pesar de estar en cabeza durante gran parte la carrera.

En el primer segmento de la carrera a pie no estaba muy cmodo, admiti Sutz. Estaba a 35 segundos del lder, Sergey Yakovlev, pero tras la transicin, 14 atletas formamos un grupo de cabeza sobre la bicicleta y tras la sexta vuelta Laurent Galinier atac y yo le segu. Ese fue el momento clave de la carrera, ya que trabajamos muy bien juntos y en las dos ltimas vueltas conseguimos una ventaja de 2 minutos y 30 segundos. En el segundo segmento de carrera a pie tena las piernas muy cansadas tras el exigente segmento de la bicicleta y Laurent se puso en primera posicin, pero despus de doscientos metros me empec a sentir ms cmodo y le pude alcanzar y ya no mir para atrs. Estoy tan contento, nunca antes haba ganado, ni tampoco haba conseguido ninguna medalla en los Campeonatos de Europa.

Resultados Masculinos
Campen de Europa - Andreas Sutz (SUI) 01:50:47
Plata - Laurent Galinier (FRA) 01:50:55
Bronce - Sergey Yakovlev (RUS) 01:52:03
4th - Lino Barruncho (POR) 01:52:11
5th - Jurgen Dereere (BEL) 01:52:14

El italiano Alessandro Fabian gan la carrera masculina en categora Sub23, mientras que la rusa Evgenia Sukhoruchenkova lo hizo en categora femenina. Vicky Graves sum una segunda medalla de oro para el equipo britnico con su victoria en la carrera junior femenina, mientras que el espaol Naranjo Vichot se hizo con la corona de campen junior masculino.
