ITU Anti-Doping encourages coaches and athletes to try WADA's CoachTrue

The ITU Anti-Doping Team would like to challenge all coaches and athletes to take the CoachTrue course on the World Anti-Doping Agency website.

The following features are included in the elite-level module of CoachTrue:

• Pre-Test: Allows coaches to identify current knowledge base
• Tutorials: A series of presentations with voice-overs that provide essential information on the following topics: Health consequences of doping, Accountability, Results management, Therapeutic use exemptions, Whereabouts, Decision making.
• Scenario-Based Activities: Practical application of acquired knowledge to possible real-life scenarios.
• Who Wants to Play True: A fun way for coaches to test their knowledge of anti-doping issues.
• Post-Test & Certification: Once coaches have completed all required elements, including a final assessment of learning (post-test), they are awarded a certificate of completion.

By clicking on this link you can get a login and begin to show how much you know (or don’t know) about anti-doping.  There is also a recreational coaches module that you can access here.

The following features are included in the recreational-level module of CoachTrue:

• Tutorials: A series of presentations with voice-overs that provide essential information on topics, including: health consequences of doping and decision making.
• Scenario-Based Activities: Practical application of acquired knowledge to possible real-life scenarios.
• Who Wants to Play True: A fun way for coaches to test their knowledge of anti-doping issues.

Once you have tried CoachTrue, we would love to hear what you have to say.
