Ishigaki Pre Race Press Conference

Pre-race day in Ishigaki and the Local Organising Committee welcomed Tony Dodds, Emma Jackson and Dan Wilson, members of the Japanese National team including Hirokatsu Tayama and Yuka Sato as they met the media at the event’s official press conference this afternoon to preview their expectations and form ahead of tomorrow’s race.


Your expectations for tomorrow’s race?

“Yeah, tomorrow is going to be a challenge backing up from last week after the Auckland World Series, but I think I’ve recovered pretty well and I’m enjoying the Ishigaki locals and all the food and everything around here.”

“Tomorrow I have a goal set in place and a plan, I just hope it comes off and I feel pretty good tomorrow morning. As Dan says it’s my first world cup as well and hopefully I’ll be able to go out with a bang.”

You’ve raced in Japan before, do you have any suggestions for Emma being her first?

“The swim plays a big part in this course with the currents coming in and out of the swim, it played a big part of my last time here in Ishigaki. I remember all of sudden we were going straight and then we were going a different way to the buoys. That will be a difficult part, also the run over the bridge, I think that will take a lot of power out of the legs so hopefully the likes of Tayama and that we’ll be able to have a good swim and get a breakaway.”


Your expectations for tomorrow’s race?

“I want to have a solid performance in Ishigaki, I haven’t started my season too well, I wanted to come to Ishigaki to try and build a bit more confidence, try and get a few things right in the race and hopefully build on that as the year goes on.”

How are you feeling after the Olympics?

“Both mentally and physically draining, and I think that has kind of affected me a bit at the start of the season. I really want to get back to racing, believing in myself and build confidence that I may have lost over my break. I haven’t started the season great but I wanted to come to Ishigaki, I’ve heard it’s a great race and all the local community support it. I’m really looking forward to coming to this race and having a good performance.”

Hirokatsu TAYAMA (JAP)

He is a three-time Olympian and National champion three times. What are you hoping for tomorrow?

“The race for me tomorrow is going to be the first of this season and I would like to be confident in my expertise in racing and be aggressive from the swim and aim at the highest podium.”

You have been to the race many times but tomorrow is a little different after the Olympic Games. Do you have a fresh perspective this year?

“I started a different life now as an athlete and graduate student, I have fresh views, and this is going to be a bit different, but for the race tomorrow I have the same race tactics that Tony and Dan have said and I’m very relieved to hear this so I am doing the right thing.”


Your expectations for tomorrow’s race?

“This is the second race after Auckland I got 6th place in Auckland and I would like to continue my good shape for the race tomorrow. I am hoping to do my best and I would like to end up with a good place in Ishigaki as well.

In Auckland you got 6th place, what was the point that brought you that good result and also the bad points that kept you from the podium?

“I was very happy to get that result but at the same time this wasn’t good enough for me. I ran very well up to 3km but my stamina didn’t last over 10km. This is my aim to improve on the run and finish higher and on the podium.”


Your expectations for tomorrow’s race?

“This is my first world cup for the year so I’m really excited to be here racing and to be racing in Japan. I’m looking forward to racing aggressively from the start and testing my form for the first race of the year. I hope that it will be a good, fast and aggressive race.”

You’ve raced in Japan many times, do you have any suggestions for Emma being her first?

“The course is quiet challenging out there it’s a really honest course, some of the races we do tend to lend themselves to a bit of cat and mouse games but the course out there tomorrow is going to be honest from the start.”

“The best way to approach a challenging course is to get on the front foot and not be scared by the race, really attack from the start and capitalize, use the challenges that the course presents to try and gain an advantage over the rest of the field.”

Hosting an ITU Triathlon World Cup for the 18th consecutive year, Ishigaki remains the longest serving host city in ITU history.

The elite women’s competition is scheduled to commence at 13:00 local time, and the elite men’s competition at 15:45 on 14 April at Tonoshiro Fishing Port in Ishigaki.

Photo’s from Jun Sato
