Fast Five with Great Britain's Non Stanford

There must be something in the water in Leeds. First the Brownlee brothers, now Non Stanford. She wrapped up her 2012 season on a high, winning the Under 23 world title in Auckland. This year she’s back at it, having recently earned her first World Triathlon Series win in Madrid. And if her training partners are any indicator, this Brit just may be unstoppable. 

What is your favourite ITU race?
“It’d have to be Auckland after last year winning Under 23s. Great course, great atmosphere.”

What was your first triathlon?
“My first ever triathlon was the British University sprint obviously back home in Britain. I think was third. It was alright. It was a bit of a shock to the system. But I obviously loved it and came back for more.”

Where will you be five years from now?
“Hopefully still in the sport. Probably still up in Leeds. It’s such a beautiful place. I’ve got some great friends and some great training partners there now.”

What’s your favorite and least favorite training activity?
“My favorite is probably track sessions, as it sorta takes me back to when I was younger and a track runner. My least favorite is probably the top end swimming, the really fast swimming. I find that really hard.”

Best training destination:
Cardiff by the sea
Best Holiday destination:
The South of France
Currently on the ipod:
Kings of Leon
Post training snack:
A post training recovery drink
Costa coffee at home

What advice would you give age groupers?
“In terms of your running, train like you are a runner. Don’t go out there and plod, train as if you were a runner.”
