Fast Five with Great Britain's Jonathan Brownlee

After an uncertain start to the season that saw Olympic bronze medallist Jonathan Brownlee (GBR) sit out the first two World Triathlon Series, he rocketed back true to his usual strong form in Yokohama. Then he followed his season opening win up in Madrid with a second series win and a consecutive title in the Spanish capital. It’s no secret this man can swim, bike, and run, but check out this week’s Fast Five for the inside info on the superstar triathlete.

First ever triathlon:
“It was in North Yorkshire, in a place called Appleby, I was about 9 years old I think. It was a pool swim, a grass bike and a grass run. I remember there was an amazing conker tree and thinking more about conkers than about the triathlon. I think I won but I remember more about the conker tree than the result. I also remember someone trying to give me a cup of water during the race and I tried to grab the cup and absolutely soaking them with water, it is little details like that I remember.”

Favourite ITU race:
“I have always liked Kitzbuehel, it is such a beautiful place and it is a great place to go and race because a lot of the time we are in big cities, but I like being in the countryside and before the race the training is great and it is a great race to do. This year seems more exciting than ever. London as well though will always be special to me, it is a great race, I got my first podium there in 2010 when I came second so London has always been special to me, so it would be one of those two.”

Favourite training destination:
Apart from Yorkshire – if Yorkshire was sunny it would be the best place to train in the world! Switzerland at altitude is a great place. St Moritz is amazing.

Favourite holiday destination:
Again, apart from Yorkshire – I really like Spain but I have to go with the South of France, on that coast you have the sea and the mountains, it is beautiful.

Favourite music:
I’m not a music fan really; I don’t have any music preferences. I’m the least musical person in the world, I tried playing the piano as a youngster but I just can’t do it in my head, music just doesn’t work for me.

Post training snack:
I like chocolate milk but then a pizza. I absolutely love pizza, wherever I am in the world it is pizza, even here in Japan it is always the same, always a pizza.

And coffee:
I’m not a coffee drinker, always a hot chocolate for me.

Five years from now, where will Jonny Brownlee be:
“I am not very good at looking ahead. I will be 28, hopefully I have been to Rio and got a medal there. I think I will still be in the ITU World Series, I can’t see myself doing long distance in five years time, I don’t think I need a change yet and I don’t feel like I would want that change. I enjoy what I am doing and hopefully there might be some new exciting races, maybe Kitzbuehel might have got even harder, if that is possible. But I will probably be doing the same things really.”

What you love most and least about your training:
“Consistency is what I absolutely love when I go training, I like to know when I get up in the morning what I am going to be doing, I love routine. The consistency of training hard day in day out is what I look forward to. I don’t like morning swims, we are quite lucky we swim at 7 o’clock which is not too bad. But a cold day of training in rain is something I absolutely hate too, going outside, cycling when you are two hours from home and you can’t change gear, that is what is hard at home in our winters, when it is snowing and this past winter has been one of the worst ever, that has been tough.”

Tips for age groupers:

“For training first they need to be consistent. You hear stories of people going to training camp and knocking out 35 hours and then going home and doing very little training. I know it is hard when you have to fit in around work and everything but consistency is a key. Also don’t try new kit in a race - that is a big one. I have done it before in a race when I have seen a new seat post kicking round the house when I was young, and thought I’ll put that on it looks really cool and jumped on the bike and it has snapped! So don’t try any new kit on race day, just enjoy your racing, you have worked so hard, just enjoy it.”


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