Face to Face with Emma Moffatt

How have your preparations been leading in to the Dextro Energy Triathlon – ITU World Championship Grand Final with your injury?
My injury has been going really well, everyday it’s getting better which has allowed me to get back running without any problems. It hasn’t affected my swim bike preparations so hopefully I’ve maintained my fitness.

Can you talk through how the injury occurred and how it has been treated?
I have a partial tear in my plantar fascia which I think occurred though tightness in my lower back and calf. Giving my foot rest as well as stretching and physio has been my treatment.

Will it affect you on race day, and how has it affected your preparations?
It hasn’t been hurting while I’ve been running so there is no reason why it will hurt on race day. I just have to be good to it between now and the race. Obviously I haven’t been able to run as much as I would have liked but my fitness is still there.

Given your position in the rankings, how does that affect your race plans and mindset?
I guess I would love to be able to finish the series in the lead, but like all races I will just be going out there and giving it my best. Given the points are so close it’s going to be an exciting race!

As the season is drawing towards a close, how is your body holding up physically other than the injury?
I’m feeling really fit, I’m enjoying all the training and other then the foot mishap everything is going really well.

Every time you step outside to go training at the moment, what is going through your mind?
Every time I go training there are different thoughts in my mind. If it’s a nice day and the beach looks good I’m usually wishing I could be there, and if it’s early morning swimming I’m wishing I could just have half an hour more sleep! But I love training and the satisfaction of finishing each session.

What would winning the title mean to you?
I haven’t thought about winning the title. It would be a rewarding way to finish the season though.

How do you cope with the nerves and pressure of racing on home soil?
It’s exciting to be able to race at home, I think the Aussies definitely have a home town advantage; we are in our normal environment and will have our family and friends out there supporting us. This allows us to stay relaxed and keep the nerves at bay. I’m sure we’ve all raced under some pressure before so there’s no reason we can’t do it again.

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