Essential Triathlon Training Tips: Bike Coordination

There’s no doubt about it, singing a song in your head during a long, solo swim can turn a boring workout into an outright party. But did you know the same workout tip can be applied to the bike during cadence drills?

A classic triathlete mistake is to grind through big gears on the bike in lieu of a high cadence. But in actuality, employing a consistent, moderately fast RPM strategy will save you energy on the bike while helping you ride faster.
One way to practice a high cadence is to pedal to a beat or song to keep your legs spinning, which could mean you need to brush up on your high beat pop music. Better to leave the slow songs for recovery.

Check out this video to learn more about optimal RPMs, measuring your cadence, and when to switch from high to low gears. Then put it all together at an ITU World Triathlon Series race like in Auckland, which combines hills and flat spaces that are perfect for testing your new spin skills.
