Edmonton World Cup pre-race Press Conference Highlights

With less than a month before the Olympic Games, Canadians Kyle Jones and Sarah-Anne Brault were joined by Great Britain’s Tim Don and Bermuda’s Flora Duffy at Hawrelak Park, site of the 2012 Edmonton ITU Triathlon World Cup and spoke with the media at the event’s official pre-race press conference.

Under a sun-filled, blue sky, the athletes shared their thoughts on London 2012 and what it has taken over the last year to get to Sunday’s race.

Kyle Jones (CAN)
On his unique journey from growing up in an Olympic atmosphere with his father being a coach for two Olympic games to being on the London 2012 Olympic team:
“I certainly grew up in that high performance atmosphere and certainly got exposed to a lot of different athletes.  The Olympics have been a dream of mine as long as I can remember.  To finally make that come true this year and be on the starting line up in London is very exciting for me.”

On racing in Edmonton:
“This was a special race for me last year. What I’m looking forward to most this weekend is racing with guys like Tim Don, former World Champion. I’m excited also for this to be my last race before the Olympics, to be able to race in front of a hometown crowd, especially here in Edmonton which has been a great race to me over the years.”

Sarah-Anne Brault (CAN)
On the last nine months leading up to being named alternate for the Canadian Olympic Team:
“It’s been a pretty crazy last 12 months. I’ve been down at school for the last few years just doing a few triathlons. I didn’t have a very long summer so I wasn’t expecting too much out of it….I had a good year.  I won our National Championships. I did a few Pan Am Cups that went really well. I sat down with my coach at school and he said, ‘well, let’s give this triathlon thing a shot.’  I had written off 2012. I decided at first if I want to make it to the Olympics, we’ll wait for 2016 because I was at school all that time.  He said, ‘let’s try it.’ I had no points. I had to race all over the world just like most people have to do but it has been a crazy last nine months….I’ve learned a lot. It’s a whole different experience racing at this level. You can’t know what it’s like until you do it. I’ve had to learn all that this year. It’s been really cool.”

Flora Duffy (BER)
On how the lead up to London 2012 differs from her first Olympic experience in Beijing:
“Going into Beijing, I was suffering with some health issues, injuries - just not in a good place which was really tough for me at 20. I ended up taking two years off after that. I didn’t race. I didn’t really think I was going to get back into triathlon at this level. Then one day, things kind of clicked back in and I started racing again. It’s been a gradual build up until now with some success along the way. I definitely have that belief and confidence back which I certainly didn’t have a couple years ago. I have a totally new perspective on the sport. I’m doing it for myself because I enjoy it.”

On racing for Bermuda and how she is preparing to compete:
“I love representing Bermuda and putting them on the world map. I’m going to give it my best shot. I think it will be a great race, definitely a lot of pressure. It will definitely be quite the experience. I’m looking at it like it’s just another race with the same girls I always race. I just have to do the same thing I always do.”

Tim Don (GBR)
On refocussing his energies to future races after not being selected for the Olympics:
“It is tough for me. You put four years of your life into going into the Olympic Games. I am a London boy so that would have been awesome. It’s a tough one to deal with not making the Games. That’s all everyone talks about in England but I was part of the torch relay in England and I am very proud of that. I’ve got my white suit and I got to keep the torch. It is tough but you’ve got to move on. I’m looking to finish the season strong.”

On triathlon itself:
“It’s such a great sport. I really love racing. You’ve got to get back on the horse. There’s no time like the present, hence why I am here.”

Race day for elite women begins at 2:00pm (all times local) on Sunday 8 July followed by the elite men at 3:15pm. Follow live at triathlon.org/live or on Twitter @triathlonlive.  Follow the event on Twitter @EdmTriathlon. Sunday also includes the PATCO Pan American Junior Championships.

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