Athletes chatter ahead of Antwerp World Cup

Athletes from all over the world seem to be really looking forward to the debut of the Belgium city of Antwerp in the World Cup circuit. 48 hours before toeing the line in the Harbour, let’s see what some of the top elite athletes have to say.

Gelle Jeens
On how he feels after WTS Leeds: “I wasn’t very sure on how I was going to perform in Leeds, as my knee hurt a bit before that race, but Leeds was alright and the pain is gone now”.

On his goals for this season: “The Olympic points have just started and that’s my main goal for this season, to race as hard and best as possible and to get some points and in order to be in a good position at the end of the year. I missed some training going to race in Leeds, but also that race helped me cause Leeds was like a really hard training, so I think I can perform well here”.

On how he feels about racing at home: “I don’t know the course but is close to my home and I know what to expect, especially because there are a lot of cobblestones. I think it’s going to be a really great race, and we will have lots of spectators cheering, and also my family is coming to watch me compete, so I am really looking forward the race. It is my first race in Belgium, and it’s going to be a great experience”.

Martin van Reel
On how he feels after Leeds: “Last week was very, very hard, the course in Leeds was one of the toughest ever. My legs are still a bit tired, but I hope that by Sunday they will be alright again”.

On the goals for the season: “The first two or three races I crashed, I hope I’m back on normal racing and no crashing anymore. I’m pretty confident on my swim, bike run now, as long as I can stay on the bike”.

On the course for this World Cup: “I live 20 km from the course, I’ve been here and it looks like a very exciting course. It will be a really nice course. We race everywhere in the world, but our family never gets to support us while racing, so it will be great to have a race at home with our friends and family being able to be here and support us”.

Casper Stornes
On his performance in WTS Leeds: “I am feeling alright now. I had a terrible day in Leeds, I felt dizzy on the bike and was afraid on the corners, so I ended up pulling out. But I’ve had some very good bike sessions in Bergen now and I’m feeling confident and fresh for this race”.

On his goal for this race: “I want to win”.

On the Antwerp course: “I’ve seen that the bike course has some cobblestones, so that means a hard bike and some smashed legs on the run, and that’s a good advantage for me”.

On his goals for the rest of the season: “I want to finish in top ten on another WTS race, and manage to get some good results”.

Claire Michel
On her performance at the beginning of the season: “I was a bit sick in Leeds, but I’m recovering and optimistic for the weekend.  Every start line you approach is a new opportunity, you need to execute every time. You take confidence with the races, but don’t take anything for granted. I take every race at a time”.

On the feeling of racing at home: “It is exciting to have a World Cup in Belgium. Belgium is more known for longer distances, Ironman, but is really exciting to have a short distance ITU race her at home”.

On her expectations for this race: “I try to go to every race to execute as the race goes and take it step by step. Usually, if I am able to stay focused, the performance and results follow”.

India Lee
On the season so far: “strange been a strange season so far. I had a delayed start, cause I had some changes: changed coach, changed routines… but Cagliari was a very positive start for me. I had one race and one podium, so I’m pleased, is not a bad start”.

On the course here in Antwerp: “I’ve looked at the course and the start list and I’m confident. I’m really looking forward to having a great competition”.

Natalie Van Coeverden

On her podium in WTS Abu Dhabi: “I had an amazing start of the season with the podium in Abu Dhabi and now I’m really looking forward to the Olympic cycle and get some Olympic qualification points. I’ve been Oceania champion, a decent result for my profile, so I’m really confident for this weekend”.

On her confidence on her performance this weekend: “I go to every race knowing that I have the abbility to be the best, and that’s helping me. I’m really looking forward to another podium. I think I have the skills to perform well here, so I’m really looking forward to race this Sunday”

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