3 months to 2010 Vitoria LD Triathlon European Championships

Dear friends, dear NF

On behalf of Eduardo Martinez, event director

There are now just 3 months left to the 2010 Vitoria LD Triathlon European Championships. The city and the LOC team, are working strongly to host the best event for athletes coming from all over the world.

The great opportunity to compete and enjoy a course designed by Eneko Llanos, in local scenery like swimming in Ulibarri-Gamboa, biking through Ozaeta, Zalduendo, Salvatierra, Vitoria and Mendivil and running in the spectacular park of Salburua to finish in the Buesa Arena an experience you will not likely forget.

A detailed program of activities for the week of the event, will be launched in the coming weeks. We want to offer Vitoria and the Basque Country to all of you, and share with us what will be a great event.

Full information from the event is available on the event website:  http://www.triathlonvitoria.com

Looking forward to seeing all of you in Vitoria on the 26th of June; another step to the World Championships in 2012.

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