Non Stanford debuts 2016 season with a gold

For the third consecutive year the Discovery World Triathlon Cape Town event has been captured by a Great Britain woman, as Non Stanford opened up her 2016 season with a victory.

Showcasing her power in the final kilometre of the run, Stanford signaled the start of her competition year by collecting the gold and seizing the first sprint-distance WTS race of the season.

Commenting on her season-debut win Stanford said, “I came in really apprehensive, some of my friends and family told me they were going to watch me on the TV and I had to tell them they probably would not see me! But I was really shocked to be up there at the front. I was a little worried about the run because I did quite a bit of work on the bike, I thought I might pay for it, but it was just about going out there today and having fun and going through the processes. I didn’t really think about the outcome to be honest with you.”

Watch the full race replay

Making it onto her second WTS podium of the year was British compatriot Jodie Stimpson, who was able to get the silver medal. Finishing off the podium was Bermuda’s Flora Duffy, who dominated the first two legs of the competition, riding the whole 20-kilometre bike course by riding alone. Her bronze medal finish was enough to move her to the top of the Columbia Threadneedle Rankings.

Stimpson said of her silver medal today, “To be honest I didn’t really expect anything from this race, the last two weeks have been pretty dreadful. If anyone follows me on social media you have seen that it has been a really rough couple of weeks, so I am just psyched to come away with a podium.”

Under clear and sunny-sky conditions, the women opened up the third-stop on the WTS calendar with Cape Town’s famous Table Mountain peaking out from the distance. With the typical colder water waiting, the women wore wetsuits for the first time this year.

Duffy (BER) announced her intention to dominate the women’s race right out the gates when she bossed her way to the front of the one-lap 750m swim. Carolina Routier (ESP) followed behind her, along with South Africa’s own Mari Rabie.

Duffy jumped on her bike with a 16-second lead and immediately went to work pushing out a thunderous pace that Routier and Rabie couldn’t match. The pair fell back to a more than 35-deep field of women, while Duffy sped ahead to ride through the first lap with a 30-second advantage.

While the large chase, that included the field’s top contenders such as Stanford, Stimpson, Vicky Holland (GBR), Sarah True (USA), Lisa Norden (SWE) and Anne Haug (GER), attempted to catch Duffy, the Bermudian proved that she still remains one of the strongest cyclists on the circuit and held onto her lead for the majority of the bike leg.

But as the bell lap rang, Duffy’s lead only held up to about 14 seconds and as the final kilometres stretched on, the lead wasn’t able to stick and the chase caught up right before the second transition zone causing a crowded field heading out onto the run.

Right from the gun, a group of five women that included Duffy, Haug and three Brits of Stanford, Stimpson and Holland took off early to get out in front. The pack stuck together for the first half of the run, but as the final 2.5 kilometre mark neared, the podium contenders started to make themselves known.

Stanford kicked in some extra effort in the final kilometre and was able to secure the gold medal position as she made her way into the venue stadium running solo. Her victory not only granted her, her first gold of the season, but it also guaranteed that Great Britain owned Cape Town for the third consecutive year.

Stimpson followed into the finish chute just 7 seconds behind and solidified her third-straight time on the WTS podium this season. It also it the second time that Great Britain’s women have gone 1-2 on the Cape Town Podium. In 2014, Stimpson won gold with Helen Jenkins taking the silver.

While Duffy’s phenomenal swim and run were not enough to get her a gold, a bronze was more than deserved. A final sprint in the last metres of the race allowed her to surpass Haug and secure the final spot on the podium, finally granting her a WTS medal after two fourth-place finishes in Abu Dhabi and Gold Coast.

Duffy said of her performance today, “I don’t know if it was brave, stilly, stupid or what but I came out of the swim with a bit of a gap and I thought, well it is only a 20K so let me see. There was 30 seconds at one point and then I got caught coming into transition. But I did have a little bit of time to soft pedal and catch my breath and mentally prepare myself for a tough 5K. I actually felt pretty good on the run, and there was no way I was finishing fourth again! I spent half the year in Stellenbosch, which is just up the road, so a lot of friends and family are here watching, so the crowd was so amazing so I thought there was no way I am taking fourth, I have to get to third!”


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Non Stanford
Jodie Stimpson
Flora Duffy
Anne Haug
Kirsten Kasper