Saturday 29 April 2023
Times Schedule
Athletes Briefing
16:15 Oceania Para Cup registration and packet pickup
17:00 Oceania Para Cup Briefing
An in-person briefing will be held at : Busselton Youth and Community Activities Building, Busselton Foreshore
Brefing attendance is mandatory for athletes, guides and handlers
Sunday 30 April 2023
Times Schedule
Start End
6:15 7:15 Athlete Lounge Open
6:30 7:15 Transition Open
6:30 7:15 Swim Warm up
7:20 Athlete Introductions
7:30 Para wave Starts commence
10:30 Awards Ceremony
Athlete Briefing
Wave Starts
PTWC M 7.30
PTWC F 7.31
PTS2/3 M 7.55
PTS5 M 7.56
PTS3/4 F 7.58
PTVI M 8.09
PTVI F 8.10