
Friday September 5, 2014
- 16:00 – 19:00 Race Office open and issuing of starting numbers
- 18:00 Start Pasta-Party
- 19:00 – 21:30 Opening Ceremony, handover starting numbers to top athletes

Saturday September 6, 2014
- 11:00 – 17:00 Race Office open, licence controlling, issuing of starting numbers
- 12:00 – 19:00 Expo and kids attractions open
- 12:00 – 13:30 Issuing start numbers PowerKids and late registrations
- 13:30 Start PowerdKids Duathlon
- 15:30 PowerKids Duathlon award ceremony

Sunday September 7, 2014
- 06:00 – 09:00 Issuing of starting numbers, licence controlling and late registrations
- 06:00 – 10:00 Issuing of start numbers only for Powerman CHARITY
- 06:30 – 07:30 Bike check-in Long Distance women
- 06:30 – 08:10 Bike check-in Long Distance men & LD relays
- 06:30 – 09:10 Bike check-in Short Distance all & SD relays
- 08:00 Start Powerman Long Distance women
- 09:00 Start Powerman Long Distance ITU categories men
- 09:02 Start Powerman Long Distance Open categories men
- 09:35 Start Powerman Long Distance relays
- 09:45 Start Short Distance women
- 09:50 Start Short Distance men & relays
- 10:45 Start Powerman CHARITY run
  as of 11:05 First finishers Powerman CHARITY run
- 11:30 – 11:45 Autographs from VIP’s Powerman CHARITY
  as of 12:00 First finishers Powerman Short Distance
- 13:00 Lottery drawing participants Powerman CHARITY
- 14:15 Awards ceremony SHORT Distance / Remis des prix SHORT
- 15:15 First finishers Powerman Long Distance World Championships
- 15:45 Flower ceremony
- 16:00 Draw of spectators lottery
- 19:00 Post Race Party
- 20:00 Award ceremony for all categories

Athlete Briefing

Saturday September 6, 2014;
Location: Stadtsaal -
11:30 ITU Elite race briefing in English
13:00 Race briefing in German
13:45 Race briefing in English
14:30 Race briefing en français
