Travel & Accommodation

Closest Airport

Cogne - Aeroporto Torino Caselle 144 km
Cogne - Aeroporto Milano Malpensa 205 km
Cogne - Aeroporto Milano Orio al Serio 250 km
Cogne - Aeroporto Milano Linate 225 km
Cogne - Aeroporto Ginevra 165 km
LOC will provide transfer service from Malpensa or Torino Caselle (13 february in the afternoon and the 14 february in the morning).

Aosta - Cogne 25 km
Torino - Cogne 147 km
Milano - Cogne 216 km
Trento - Cogne 429 km
Parigi - Cogne 683 km
Berlino - Cogne 1223 km

From Torino
Highways A5 Torino - Monte Bianco

From Milano
Highways A4 - A5 (Santhià)

Exit Aosta ovest
SR n° 47 to Cogne (21 Km from hightways exit)


LOC LOC will provide transfer service from Malpensa or Torino Caselle (13 february in the afternoon and the 14 february in the morning) at a price of 60 € per person per each way, bike included.

To reserve your transfer service, please send you request complete of date of arrival/departure, airport and hour selected, name/surname and your flight schedule to the booking centre contact or +39 347 8244591 (Raffaella)


Host Hotel

Official Hotel PETIT HOTEL, Via Cavagnet, 19 Cogne

Booking Centre contact:
Please send your accommodation request with following key code: Cogne ITU Winter Triathlon World
